Spring Break Extended Through April 3 Due To Health Concerns

12 Mar 2020 by AHMO Coach

The following message was posted on the Wylie ISD website on March 18, 2020:

Wylie ISD Family,
Based on talks with local, state and federal officials, and my colleagues in neighboring districts, Wylie ISD schools will remain closed through Friday, April 3. This decision was made in an effort to support the community, region and nation’s need to slow the spread of COVID-19. The district will use the week of March 30-April 3 to reassess whether there is a need to extend the suspension of normal district operations beyond April 3, and will communicate a decision to the public at that time. We are extremely grateful to our entire community of families, staff, volunteers and community partners for your patience and support during these uncertain times.

We spent this week preparing and implementing our on-line learning plans in case this closure was extended. Wylie ISD will remain flexible and sensitive to family’s needs as we continue our long-term plan for instructional continuity, and as we continue to navigate the many details of this unprecedented situation.

Although our buildings remain closed to the public, we will continue to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of our students and families. Teachers and staff are still working and are a “click” away. We will stay connected with you through our multiple communications channels and we ask that you please visit www.wylieisd.net to receive the most current and accurate information about this extended closure and Wylie ISD’s response to the COVID-19 health concern.

Grit and perseverance are words that truly have meaning in our community and I have no doubt we will all continue to love, support and care for each other…the Wylie Way.

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